Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 18: under my skin

the seed sprouted
like I said it would,
its roots assertive,
it gnaws
and nourishes.

it tickles
or itches
or stings
or aches
depending on the day
and the weather,
the nearness of breath,
how crowded the bar,
how crisp the lines of memory,
how deep my bow to fear.

is it beautiful or horrifying?
white threads veining
just under my skin,
alternate capillaries
grown to carry
courage from
a time-distant reservoir.
it's still learning how to live here,
just under the surface;
how to squeeze less tightly,
not to smother –
how to co-exist.

I feed it strange things:
an unflinching gaze,
a daring inquiry,
a passionate rise,
a demand for notice,
a stark and loud sincerity.
I feed it risk.
that’s what it wants from me.

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