Saturday, April 25, 2015

Day 24: Springtime in the Southland

Out on the horizon
the clouds huddle to strategize.
It’s not so far, the horizon;
you know that when you’ve seen it
rush toward you.

Here in the living room
we huddle, breathing our worried humidity.
The television’s urgent voice
needles nerves already sharp
with waiting.

Green, red, yellow blots
burst open like rainbow blooms.
They pulse closer to the dot
that stands for us.
We pin them with our eyes.

When the door beats, bang,
against the lock,
we look up at the whip of
Meemaw’s blueberry bushes
gusting sweet menace.

Green dark falls.
We listen for the booming roar of trains.
Our memories overflow
with branches and debris.

And then passed over.
We titter at ourselves.
The sun comes out to shine
upon the red half moons
our fingernails have cut upon our palms.


marlon said...

I saw you at that art show in Anniston walking around looking at art lol. I have a project I'm starting I want you to join to keep it simple what I'm doing is I'm gathering all art people to start a chain of reactions to music I've made. So One persons creates their reaction then someone else comes in and offers their reaction to the music and the first reaction and it goes on until we have a room decorated with the reactions. if your interested send me an email id love you to join

marlon said...

"Ron Jeremy" should jog your memory to who I am lol