Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Wow - I am actually posting something that is more personal update, less deep thoughts. Normally I do this sort of thing in 200-character status statements, but I have been under-using my blog for way too long. So on to the update:

The Wee has to get tubes put into her ears on Tuesday! She has had ear infection after ear infection in the last seven to eight months, and this should lessen the problem. It's a really short and easy procedure, and they don't have to run an IV, but she does have to be anesthetized. I am already debating the ethics of videotaping her in her loopy stage, but I imagine the idea will seem much less funny when I'm drowning in nerves at the hospital at 6am.

I feel I should already be more nervous than I am, but then again, it's not a big deal as surgeries go. However, if you would like to bring us brownies for comfort, we will not object.


Red said...

LOL, you're so funny. If I could hook you up with brownies, I would.

Both of my BFF's oldest kids have tubes and they will help her so much. I hope she does experience some relief. when is the procedure? We'll be praying for you guys!

Jen said...

We'll pray that all goes well. Maria had minor surgery when she was about 18 months old to remove skin tags from her cheek and ear.

It was pretty funny to watch her after she drank the loopy juice...

She did have to have an IV though, and wasn't happy about it at all when she discovered it afterwards.... The nurses were great and turned on Dora the Explorer, and she stopped crying instantly. :)

Kids bounce back pretty fast.