Friday, April 22, 2016

Day 22: #youarereal

You   have   a   body

carbon matter occupying space
you have a brain
fed by pulsing blood
you’re full of filters,
engines, valves;
you take in and put out.

Your skin still sparks,
I’d bet,
you drink your coffee,
hiccup unexpectedly;
you trip, you stub your toe;
you have mass,
solid, liquid
you are real.

you have a pair of grasping hands
whose fingers open
gateways into worlds
devoid of matter
in which
no one is
where all of us
are avatars
that keep what we let go
that live the lives we lie about 
whose hashtags tell
the best-intentioned fictions

you     have     a     body.



You are real.

Be that.

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